
UCS Fall and Summer 2025 Course Schedule

Below is the UCS course schedule for Fall 2025 as well as Summer 2025. We will make every attempt to notify you via email or via our weekly newsletter when we become aware of any significant changes to our course offerings in the major. The schedule will be maintained on our website UCS Degree> Course Information.

If you have not already scheduled an advising session with your UCS faculty advisor, you are encouraged to do so as soon as possible.

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Related Course: Field Methods in Geography

Are you interested in…

– Learning outdoors and helping the local land trust?

– Field-based geo-technologies like drone imagery, mobile GIS apps, GPS, and surveying?

– Historical records and public opinion about preserved lands?

– Environmental processes that act in forested watersheds?

– How land trusts use these tools for protecting landscapes?


Enroll in GEOG 3420 Field Methods in Physical Geography taught by Professor of Geography Andy Jolly-Ballantine in Fall 2024. Learn about how to gather information in the field while hiking trails and helping the Joshua’s Trust collect data about their properties! This course fulfills a “Related” course requirement for UCS majors.


For a syllabus or more information about this course, contact Dr. Andy Jolly-Ballantine at


GEOG 3420 Flyer (1)

Announcement of new department home for UCS

Beginning July 1st, the Urban and Community Studies will become part of a new Department of Geography, Sustainability, Community and Urban Studies.

You may have seen last week’s article in the Daily Campus about our UCS Program:

Over the last three years, our program, the Department of Geography, and the Environmental Studies Program have had very productive talks about bringing our programs together under one roof. The time seemed right to bring these programs together in ways that will strengthen all three.

As we wrote in our proposal to the UConn Board of Trustees that was approved last week, the new department will conduct “community-engaged research and teaching on the urgent environmental, social, and geographical challenges and opportunities faced by communities around the globe in the twenty-first century. Our world class faculty address questions related to sustainability, resilience, health, and social inequities from local to global scales under the converging impacts of rapid climate change and increasing global urbanization,” and that the new department will be “deeply committed to cultivating an inclusive environment for our diverse community of faculty, staff, and students. As part of this commitment, our vision and initiatives are centered around values of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion…to identify pressing environmental and social justice issues facing societies today.”

The creation of this new department will not alter the degree plan you are currently following in our program.  Your degree requirements are governed by the catalog year in which you declared the major or minor.

The name of the program will change on July 1st, but the majors and minors we support will continue to be offered as you move toward graduation. 

Over the next 2-3 years the faculty and staff of the new department will work to create new course offerings, perhaps also new or revised majors, minors, and graduate programs, but these changes won’t happen immediately. For now, I just wanted to share this good news and what it shows about UConn’s commitment to our program.

Please let me know if you have questions about these changes. I can be reached by email at


Ken Foote, Director

Urban and Community Studies Program

Job Opportunity: Research Assistant

The Urban Institute is seeking a Research Assistant (Metropolitan Housing and Communities Center). Within the Urban Institute, the Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy Center (Metro) conducts research on how housing and place shape people’s lives. We believe that housing and place matter. Quality, affordable housing anchors families, and the communities where people live can influence nearly everything in their lives: where they work and how they get there; the quality of schools that their children attend; their health and safety; and even their longevity. Our work sits at the intersection of housing and communities and is grounded in racial equity.

Metro currently includes several different practice areas that focus on specific areas of research. They are: Housing Finance Policy Center, Climate and Communities; Community and Economic Development; Cities and Neighborhoods; Ending Homelessness; Fair Housing, Land Use, and Transportation; and Housing as a Foundation. Descriptions of each are included at the bottom of the job post.

The Research Assistant is responsible for assisting senior researchers and research teams in successfully executing defined research tasks. The person hired for this position will be assigned to one of Metro’s research practice areas and will work across several other practice areas. All staff work on several projects and topic areas—assignments are made based on the needs of the center, taking into consideration a research assistant’s availability, skills, and interests.

Apply here!

  • Please note: Employment opportunities are being provided for informational purposes only. Anyone interested in applying for one of these positions is responsible for verifying all related information. The Urban & Community Studies Program, nor the University is recommending these employers nor guaranteeing the accuracy of the information furnished in the posting.

Intern Position: Nelson/Nygaard Transportation

Nelson\Nygaard is a small transportation planning firm of about 160 people with offices around the country. It uses a values-driven approach, guided by the principal of putting people first – designing transportation systems for people, not just cars. Its staff is united by their commitment to make the world more just, more sustainable, more connected, and more beautiful.

Nelson/Nygaard is offering a summer intern position in their downtown Boston office. The intern program is geared towards current students working towards a graduate degree, and they are also willing to consider someone who has recently completed or is enrolled in an undergraduate program. This is a full-time position expected to last approximately three months (June through August), though specific start and end dates can be flexible.

More information and the link to apply online can be found here. Candidates are asked to provide both a resume and a cover letter by January 31, 2024.

For questions, please contact Theresa Carr at


Please note: Employment opportunities are being provided for informational purposes only. Anyone interested in applying for one of these positions is responsible for verifying all related information. The Urban & Community Studies Program, nor the University is recommending these employers nor guaranteeing the accuracy of the information furnished in the posting.

Sustainable CT Summer Fellowship

Each summer Sustainable CT hires Fellows that work regionally across Connecticut.
To learn more about the Sustainable CT Fellowship, you can hear from 2023 Fellows in a recent Sustainable CT podcast. Additionally, alumni of the Fellowship program were also featured in a podcast (scroll down on the same link). Many program alumni go on to work for municipalities, regional planning agencies, and nonprofits and businesses that work on a variety of topics related to sustainability.
For more information, see our website, or below. This position has also been posted to Handshake.

The Sustainable CT Fellowship Program places highly qualified fellows across the state’s Councils of Governments (COGs) to help cities and towns become registered, certified, or recertified with Sustainable CT during the summer. The COGs serve as Connecticut’s regional planning organizations. Click here for more information on COG locations.

Fellows will assist cities and towns within the various COG territories and will assist on COG projects that align with Sustainable CT goals. Fellows may or may not be physically sited in a COG office; there may be opportunities for hybrid work locations.

Fellows will gain valuable experience working within a professional setting and will be directly engaged with cutting-edge sustainability initiatives, local government operations, and regional coordination and operation. Fellows will build a deep professional network that spans across local, state and regional government, as well as with nonprofits and organizations supporting sustainability initiatives in the state of Connecticut.  


How To Apply 


Students must be enrolled in a post-secondary degree program or must have graduated in the most recent academic year (2023-2024). Students must be either enrolled in a Connecticut college or university or be a permanent resident of the state. Students must have maintained a GPA of 3.0. Students of all majors will be considered.


Technical Skills 

Candidates must demonstrate strong written and oral communication skills, the ability to work independently, and be familiar with Microsoft Office applications.



Application materials are due February 19, 2024 by 5:00 pm EST. Email applications to Dorothy Piszczek at Applications must include the following:

  • Written OR video cover letter (no longer than 1 page or 2 minutes) highlighting what makes you an ideal candidate for the Fellowship
  • Resume
  • Names and contact information for 3 references (must include a phone number for each reference). Your reference might be a current or former professor, teacher, employer, mentor, coach, extracurricular leader, etc.
  • Writing sample (no more than 3 pages/1500 words; this can be a piece composed for a class)
  • Copy of unofficial transcript
  • List of top 3 preferred COG locations


  • Applications are due by 5:00 pm EST, February 19, 2024. Mail all application materials to Dorothy Piszczek at
  • Sustainable CT will notify selected candidates by early April 2024.


Fellowship Job Duties 

Sustainable CT Fellow duties include:

  • Research sustainability initiatives in Connecticut municipalities.
  • Inform municipalities of resources, grants, success stories, for implementation of Sustainable CT actions.
  • Assist municipal staff and leaders in performing and documenting sustainability initiatives for Sustainable CT certification.
  • Maintain open communication channels with relevant municipal staff and elected officials.
  • Identify opportunities for multi-town collaboration between Sustainable CT municipalities.
  • Research implementation strategies and resources for towns pursuing different actions.
  • Identify potential partners/resources, i.e. in-town non-profits or organizations.
  • Participate in Sustainable CT Fellow trainings and events.
  • Assist with COG projects that align with Sustainable CT objectives.
  • Produce an end of internship report that documents successes and areas for improvement.

Other Important Information 


  • The fellowship program will run approximately 12-weeks during the summer (roughly May 28 – August 23).
  • Start/end dates will be determined by the Fellow and their assigned COG.

Work Location 

  • Work location varies by COG office, with most COGs operating with a hybrid in-office schedule. Fellows will report as determined by their COG supervisor to their assigned COG office. All attempts will be made to place Fellows at their preferred COG location.
  • A list of CT COG locations can be found here.
  • Housing and transportation are not provided.
  • While working, Fellows must be physically located in Connecticut. Fellows living out of state during the Fellowship will not be considered.


  • This is a paid fellowship ($17.00 per hour).
  • Fellows may work up to 40 hours per week.


  • Transportation is not provided.

Equal Opportunity 

  • Sustainable CT, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer.  Sustainable CT, Inc. will not discriminate and will take affirmative action measures to ensure against discrimination in employment, recruitment, advertisements for employment, compensation, termination, promotions, and other conditions of employment against any employee or job applicant on the basis of race, color, religious creed, age, marital status, national origin, ancestry, sex, gender identity or expression, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, criminal record, intellectual disability, mental disability or physical disability, including, but not limited to, blindness, unless it is shown by Sustainable CT that such disability prevents performance of the work involved, in any manner prohibited by the laws of the United States or of the State of Connecticut.

Please note: Employment opportunities are being provided for informational purposes only. Anyone interested in applying for one of these positions is responsible for verifying all related information. The Urban and Community Studies Program, nor the University is recommending these employers nor guaranteeing the accuracy of the information furnished in the posting.

Sustainable CT Summer Fellowship

The Sustainable CT Fellowship Program places highly qualified fellows across the state’s Councils of Governments (COGs) to help cities and towns become registered, certified, or recertified with Sustainable CT during the summer. The COGs serve as Connecticut’s regional planning organizations. 

Fellows will assist cities and towns within the various COG territories and will assist on COG projects that align with Sustainable CT goals. Fellows may or may not be physically sited in a COG office; there may be opportunities for hybrid work locations. 

Fellows will gain valuable experience working within a professional setting and will be directly engaged with cutting-edge sustainability initiatives, local government operations, and regional coordination and operation. Fellows will build a deep professional network that spans across local, state and regional government, as well as with nonprofits and organizations supporting sustainability initiatives in the state of Connecticut.

How To Apply


Students must be enrolled in a post-secondary degree program or must have graduated in the most recent academic year (2022-2023). Students must be either enrolled in a Connecticut college or university or be a permanent resident of the state. Students must have maintained a GPA of 3.0. Students of all majors will be considered.

Technical Skills

Candidates must demonstrate strong written and oral communication skills, the ability to work independently, and be familiar with Microsoft Office applications.


The application process for 2024 will open in January 2024. Check this page and/or sign up for Fellowship announcements by emailing Dorothy Piszczek at Sustainable CT will be seeking the following materials as part of the application package:

  • Cover letter
  • Resume
  • Names and contact information for 3 references (must include a phone number for each reference)
  • Writing sample (no more than 3 pages/1500 words; this can be a piece composed for a class)
  • Copy of unofficial transcript
  • List of top 3 preferred COG locations


  • Application materials will be due in February 2024 (date to be announced). Please check back to this webpage for the official date and/or sign up for Fellowship announcements by emailing Dorothy Piszczek at
  • Sustainable CT will notify selected candidates by early April 2024.

Fellowship Job Duties

Sustainable CT Fellow duties include:

  • Research sustainability initiatives in Connecticut municipalities.
  • Inform municipalities of resources, grants, success stories, for implementation of Sustainable CT actions.
  • Assist municipal staff and leaders in performing and documenting sustainability initiatives for Sustainable CT certification.
  • Maintain open communication channels with relevant municipal staff and elected officials.
  • Identify opportunities for multi-town collaboration between Sustainable CT municipalities.
  • Research implementation strategies and resources for towns pursuing different actions.
  • Identify potential partners/resources, i.e. in-town non-profits or organizations.
  • Participate in Sustainable CT Fellow trainings and events.
  • Assist with COG projects that align with Sustainable CT objectives.
  • Produce an end of internship report that documents successes and areas for improvement.

Other Important Information


  • The fellowship program will run approximately 12-weeks during the summer (roughly May 28 – August 23).
  • Start/end dates will be determined by the Fellow and their assigned COG.

Work Location

  • Sustainable CT will follow all current COVID-19 safety guidelines. At present, most COGs will be operating with a hybrid in-office schedule. If hybrid persists, Fellows will report as determined by their COG supervisor to their assigned COG office. All attempts will be made to place Fellows at their preferred COG location.
  • A list of CT COG locations can be found here.
  • Housing and transportation are not provided.
  • While working, Fellows must be physically located in Connecticut. Fellows living out of state during the Fellowship will not be considered.


  • This is a paid fellowship ($17.00 per hour).
  • Fellows may work up to 40 hours per week.


  • Transportation is not provided.

Equal Opportunity

  • Sustainable CT, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer.  Sustainable CT, Inc. will not discriminate and will take affirmative action measures to ensure against discrimination in employment, recruitment, advertisements for employment, compensation, termination, promotions, and other conditions of employment against any employee or job applicant on the basis of race, color, religious creed, age, marital status, national origin, ancestry, sex, gender identity or expression, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, criminal record, intellectual disability, mental disability or physical disability, including, but not limited to, blindness, unless it is shown by Sustainable CT that such disability prevents performance of the work involved, in any manner prohibited by the laws of the United States or of the State of Connecticut.