Course Description book image


Descriptions by Subject A-Z

Urban and Community Studies (URBN)

Non-URBN Courses in the Major

Africana Studies (AFRA)

American Studies (AMST)

Anthropology (ANTH)

Asian and Asian American (AAAS)

Civil Engineering (CE)

Economics (ECON)

Educational Leadership (EDLR)

English (ENGL)

Geography (GEOG)

Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS)

Human Rights (HRTS)

Descriptions by Subject

Interdepartmental (INTD)

Latino and Latin American Studies (LLAS)

Natural Resources (NRE)

Political Science (POLS)

Public Policy (PP)

Sociology (SOCI)

Statistics (STAT)

Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies (WGSS)