Author: Winnick, Maria

P/T Communications Coordinator – CT Roundtable on Climate and Jobs

CT Roundtable on Climate and Jobs has a new half-time Communications Coordinator position, the individual will help implement a strategic communications plan to support organizational growth and successful issue campaigns.  They are seeking candidates with at least two years’ experience in grassroots community organizing, labor/student organizing or political campaigns.  Salary and benefits will be commensurate with the selected candidate’s skills and experience, and the position could expand to full-time, as funding allows.

Download the full position announcement with instructions for applying.



Please note: Job postings are being provided for informational purposes only. Anyone interested in applying for one of these positions is responsible for verifying all related information. The Urban and Community Studies Program, nor the University is recommending these employers nor guaranteeing the accuracy of the information furnished in the job posting.

RSVP – Symposium

Spring 2018 Course Schedule

Dear Students,

UCS has updated our Spring 2018 course flyer. The information for our Storrs’ courses now appears to be up-to-date in the Student Admin System. If you have any questions regarding our course offerings, please contact your UCS faculty advisor or the program at 959-200-3771. Please disregard previous version dates 10.18.17.

SPRING 2018 Course Schedule 11.1.17

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