Volunteer With UR Community Cares, Inc.

UR Community Cares, Inc. was established in 2019 to introduce a low-cost, intergenerational platform that connects local volunteers with age-qualified adults (age 70+, or age 18+ for those with a physical disability) who need assistance at home. As the population of older adults grows dramatically, UR Community Cares, Inc. provides tangible support for “aging in place” and maintaining social connections for improved health outcomes. Each town served has its own dedicated base of volunteers who are assigned to residents in that town, fostering additional opportunities to build neighborly communities.

Volunteers provide community members with housework/indoor, yardwork/outdoor and companionship support.


Please note: Volunteer postings are being provided for informational purposes only. Anyone interested in applying for one of these positions is responsible for verifying all related information. The Urban and Community Studies Program, nor the University is recommending these organizations nor guaranteeing the accuracy of the information furnished in the posting.