Frontiers in Historical GIS Symposium Posted on February 4, 2020August 24, 2021 by Winnick, Maria Lunch RSVP 2/27/2020 Name First Last Email Address*Please provide an email address so that we may contact you in case we have any questions regarding your RSVP submission.Lunch RSVP* Yes, I will be attending lunch on February 27th No, I am unable to attend lunch on February 27th Dietary Restrictions Informaiton* I do not have any food allergies or dietary restrictions Yes, I have food allergies or dietary restrictions If you answered yes to having food allergies or dietary restictions, please provide a brief description below.Accessible Accomomodations*Do you need a accessibility accommodation? Yes No If you are an individual with a disability and need accessibility accommodations, please provide a description of what type of accommodation(s) you are requesting below. (Please understand that failure to provide adequate notice may result in accommodations not being available.)CAPTCHACommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.